From September 15 until the Leavetaking, we sing “O come, let us worship and fall down before Christ. O son of God crucified in the flesh, save us who sing to Thee: Alleluia” at weekday Liturgies following the Little Entrance.
Prayer Before Reading Scripture:
O Lord Jesus Christ open Thou the eyes of my heart, that I may hear
Thy word and understand and do Thy will, for I am a sojourner upon the
earth. Hide not Thy commandments from me, but open mine eyes, that
I may perceive the wonders of Thy law. Speak unto me the hidden
and secret things of Thy wisdom. On Thee do I set my hope, O my
God, that Thou shalt enlighten my mind and understanding with
the light of Thy knowledge, not only to cherish those things which
are written, but to do them; that in reading the lives and sayings of
the saints I may not sin, but that such may serve for my restoration,
enlightenment and sanctification, for the salvation of my soul, and
the inheritance of life everlasting. For Thou art the enlightenment
of those who lie in darkness, and from Thee cometh every good
deed and every gift. Amen.
The Holy Martyrs Saint Sophia and her Daughters Faith, Hope and Love were born in Italy. Their mother was a pious Christian widow who named her daughters for the three Christian virtues. Faith was twelve, Hope was ten, and Love was nine. Saint Sophia raised them in the love of the Lord Jesus…
The Holy Martyr Theodota, a native of Cappadocia, suffered in the city of Nicea during the reign of the emperor Alexander Severus (222-235). At this time the governor of Cappadocia was a certain Symblicius. They told him that a rich woman named Theodota was confessing Christ. The governor summoned…
The holy martyr Agathocleia was a servant in the home of a certain Christian named Nicholas. His wife Paulina was a pagan. For eight years Agathocleia underwent abuse from her mistress because of her faith. Paulina fiercely beat the servant, and made her walk barefoot over sharp stones. Once in a…
The Holy Martyrs Peleus and Nilus, Bishops of Egypt, Presbyter Zeno, Patermuthius, Elias and another 151 Martyrs suffered during the reign of the emperor Maximian Galerius (305-311). The majority of them were Egyptians, but there were also some Palestinians among them. Firmilian, the governor of…
There are two Icons called Constantinople which differ significantly from one other. According to Tradition, the Constantinople Icon of the Mother of God commemorated on April 25, is one of the Icons painted by the Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke. How and under what circumstances this…
The Makariev “Directress” Icon of the Mother of God appeared during the reign of Prince Basil the Dark (1425-1462) to Saint Macarius the Wonderworker, who labored in asceticism on the desolate shores of the River Unzha. On September 17, 1442 at about the third hour of the morning, when…